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| function pippin_add_taxonomy_filters () {
global $typenow;
// an array of all the taxonomyies you want to display. Use the taxonomy name or slug
$taxonomies = array('faq_topics');
// must set this to the post type you want the filter(s) displayed on
if( $typenow == 'faqs' ){
foreach ($taxonomies as $tax_slug) {
$tax_obj = get_taxonomy ($tax_slug);
$tax_name = $tax_obj-> ;labels -> ;name ;
$terms = get_terms ($tax_slug);
if(count($terms) > ; 0) {
echo "<select name='$tax_slug' id='$tax_slug' class='postform'>";
echo "<option value=''>Show All $tax_name</option>";
foreach ($terms as $term) {
echo '<option value='. $term-> ;slug , $_GET[$tax_slug] == $term-> ;slug ? ' selected="selected"' : '','>' . $term-> ;name .' (' . $term-> ;count .')</option>';
echo "</select>";
add_action ( 'restrict_manage_posts', 'pippin_add_taxonomy_filters' ); |
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